Password / Browser / Problems logging in / Paying using card / No email
You need to use a secure password. If your password is not secure, you will be asked t enter a new one when logging in or creating a new account.
Passwords must contain at least 10 characters (you can use numbers, letters, symbola as you wish)
Passwords can not be leaked on internet. We will check if your password has been pulished after a major dataleak. This can be passwords such as "123456" or "password1". These are very inecure and will not be approved at
One way of creating a password is to combine several words:
Or use numbers in the middle of a word:
Change password. Log in and go to My pages / account and password.
Forgotten password. Read more here
Our website work best with Google Chrome or Safari.
You can also use new versions of Mozilla Firefox
, or Internet Explorer
from version 9. We recommend that you update to the latest browser for the best experience. You can check wich browser you have on this site site.
There you also find alternatives to download a new one.
If you can not log in it might be that your browser is set not to accept cookies. Specify that it should accept cookies for and you should be able to log in.
Instructions cookies: Chrome / Safari
/ Firefox
/ Internet Explorer
Changed password recently: If you have changed your password after May 23 2014, please note that it is your old password you should use on the new website.
Forgotten password: Use the function "Forgot password?" that you find when you click "Log in" An email is sent to you. Follow the instructions.
When you press "Pay by card" a new window is opened. For this to work your browser must allow "pop-up windows".
Instructions pop-up: Goggle ChromeClick options icon and Options.
Click Safe and blocked senders under Preventing junk email and click Safe senders.
Follow the instructions. Add to the list.
Click the outlook logo, top left corner, to go back to the inbox.
Click options icon and Settings.
Click Filters
Specify Filter Name:
Specify rule Sender Contains
Choose Inbox in the list ”Then deliver the email to the following folder”
Click Save to close Filter window.
Click Save to close Settings window.
Click options icon and Settings.
Click Filters
Click to Create a new filter
Specify in From
Click Create filter with this search
Check Never send it to Spam
Click Create filter to close Filter window.
Click Inbox to get back to the inbox.